Love and Romance

Words are not enough to express my passion-Love Poem

Words are Not Enough Poem (Love Poem) Verse 1 Words are not enough to express my passion, I feel the need to show my emotion. I'll take ...

Abas Obot 8 Feb, 2023

My Imagination, A Poem

My Imagination My imagination is as vast as the ocean, Flowing about from coast to coast, Packing grains from the edge of the shores, Thinki...

Abas Obot 5 Jan, 2023 2

Distant Love Poem

Distant Love (Poem) Distant love how fair you've treated me! My body at home, my heart over the lonesome snow, In the midst of extreme ...

Abas Obot 6 Jun, 2022

That Day I Fell in Love

That day I fell in love, The most memorable moment of my life, That special day the sun stood still to send me a smile, My humble heart hono...

Abas Obot 11 Mar, 2022

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