
Why Do People Cheat on their Partners? 12 Major Causes of Unfaithfulness or Infidelity

What is Unfaithfulness or Infidelity? Unfaithfulness also referred to as infidelity is an act of not being sexually faithful or loyal to one...

Inspired Scoop Editorial 31 Oct, 2023

15 Compatibility Factors to Consider Before Making or Accepting a Marriage Proposal

Introduction to Marital Compatibility Marriage is a lifelong commitment between two or more individuals who want to spend the rest of their...

Abas Obot 19 Nov, 2022

Dangers of Emotional Affair: How to Avoid It to Save Your Marriage and Relationship from Damages

Emotional Affair: How It Can Ruin Your Family, Relationship and Marriage An emotional affair is a type of infidelity that is characterized...

Abas Obot 23 Oct, 2022

Is Marriage an Achievement? A Frequently Asked Question

The benefits of marriage cannot be overemphasized. The fact that people marry for some reasons or purposes simply means that marriage can m...

Inspired Scoop Editorial 27 Jun, 2022 2

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