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15 Compatibility Factors to Consider Before Making or Accepting a Marriage Proposal

Introduction to Marital Compatibility Marriage is a lifelong commitment between two or more individuals who want to spend the rest of their...

Abas Obot 19 Nov, 2022

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Essential Tips for Writing Your Will: 12 Things You Must Consider in Your Last Testament

A will is a legal document that one writes to express his final wishes and the sharing or distribution of his assets after his demise or per...

Abas Obot 25 Jul, 2024

The Power of Your Mind| How Your Thoughts Influence Your Reality| Scientific and Advanced Perspective| Inspired Scoop

Thoughts and reality are interwoven even though they appear to exist independently from one another. ...

Abas Obot 20 Jul, 2024 2

Struggling to succeed? 20 Major Causes of Failure and Setbacks in Life that You Must Avoid

Hard work is often seen as the key to success, which somehow suggests that lazy people cannot be successful. That may not always be the case...

Abas Obot 18 Jul, 2024

13 Possible Reasons Your Wife Disrespects You: how to Handle the Situation

How men understand love is different from how women define it. For most women, a man is loving when he is caring, responsible and sweet to b...

Abas Obot 10 Jul, 2024

How to Make Money from Gossip: 7 Financial Tips for "gist lovers"

Look inward. Do you see yourself as someone who is talking too much or deriving passion in gossiping, backbiting and prolonged conversation?...

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