10 Self-Care Practices to Boost Mental Health and a Happier Mind

Boost your mental health and unlock a happier mind with these 10 intriguing self-care practices that take just minutes, revolutionizing your daily routine.

10 Self-Care Practices to Boost Mental Health and a Happier Mind

Mental health is one of the most important aspects of our overall well-being. When our mental health is not in good shape, it makes life meaningless and void. Poor mental health can affect the physical body and even result in other ailments.

Examples of mental health-related issues include, but not limited to, anxiety, depression, and in extreme cases, suicide. A high level of mental health challenges in society can as well lead to social depravities like drug trafficking, crimes, and other social vices

This article, therefore, aims to explore simple self-care practices that you can incorporate into your daily life as a routine to maintain optimal mental well-being.

Self-care is important because most mental health challenges begin from inward signs, sometimes without others noticing it, and most people suffering from mental health tend not to share it with others. By knowing your role and how to care for yourself in case of mental ill-health feelings, it is pertinent for you to read this article.

The following are Self-care practices that can boost your mental health and a happier mind:

1. Cultivating a Grateful Heart

Gratefulness Journal
It is often said that “gratitude is the best attitude”.

This quote is very true when it comes to maintaining good mental health through self-care. When you build a grateful mind, you are as well creating a medium for self-healing that surpasses medicine.

It makes sense to always thank God for what we have and appreciate ourselves for what we have accomplished so far.

A grateful mindset is one of the prerequisites to a happy life. Also, happiness is one of the greatest virtues and one of the most important things in life.
You can begin writing a personal journal to identify things that can make you glad always. Do this by listing at least three things that you are grateful for at the end of each day.

If you try this for months and jot them down, you will see the need to be grateful always and this will help you recover from your mental health.

2. Engaging in Regular Physical Activities like Exercise

Exercise is known to strengthen the body and make us healthy, but that is an understatement. The proven fact is that exercise also plays a vital role in mental health and mind healing.

Physical activity and exercise for mental health boost

The reason exercise is powerful in mental healing is that during exercise, our body releases a set of biochemicals known as endorphins into our system. These hormones are often referred to as “feel-good hormones” because they boost good mood and ease stress, pains, and worries.

In addition, during exercise, the mind gets distracted thereby saving us from dark thoughts that harm our mental health. So, grab your sportswear and sneakers and locate a nice field for your medicine.

3. Establishing a Healthy Sleep Routine

Just like exercise, having good sleep is very good for your mental health. If you are suffering from insomnia (sleeplessness), contact your doctor for professional advice that can help you sleep better.

Another way to promote your sleep is to exercise regularly and feed well. Placing your phone in silence while sleeping or playing soft music at a low volume can also boost your sleep. Inculcating good sleeping habits is a great self-care approach to being free from mental health challenges.

4. Maintaining Healthy Social Connections

Building happy relationships helps in promoting good mental health. Loneliness and social isolation can lead to negative emotions that place our mental health at risk of deterioration.

A good and healthy relationship makes you healthier and happier. The best way to have one is to build it. Discover the amazing secrets to maintaining a good and lasting relationships. https://www.inspiredscoop.com/2022/07/16-secrets-to-maintain-good-and-healthy.html 💪💚 #FitAndFab #HealthIsWealth #Exercise #Motivation #relationships
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Maintain a happy family culture and check up on friends. Even when you are far away, you can schedule calls with your friends and family. Also, try making new friends when the old ones are no more available.

Joining social or religious organizations like church fellowships, book clubs, and band team is a great move to beat mental health challenges associated with loneliness.

Friends supporting themselves

Building good and healthy social connections is a self-care approach that has a great impact on our lives, not only for our mental health but also for our success pursuit.

5. Prioritizing "Me Time"

We all need some quality "me time" to recharge and indulge in activities that bring us joy. Carve out moments for yourself every day, even if it's just 15 minutes.

Read a few pages of a book you love, take a relaxing bath, or engage in a hobby that sparks your creativity. Setting boundaries and learning to say no when needed is also crucial. Remember, you deserve that special time for yourself!

6. Practicing Mindfulness and Meditation

The society is very noisy and everything around us seems to cause distractions, negative feelings, and emotions that can lead to poor mental health.

Even the media, the supposed entertainment industry, is full of negative news and images that inscribe viewers' discretion. These social pressure, personal challenges, and family responsibilities make it very hard to beat mental health challenges.

One of the ways to cope with all these pressures is to practice mindfulness. practicing mindfulness and meditation can help you find peace even when it feels like everything is against you. You can do this by finding time to be alone, maybe praying, or just avoiding anything from crossing your mind.

There are countless guided meditation apps and online resources available for beginners. Additionally, you can bring mindfulness into your everyday activities, such as savoring each bite during meals or noticing the beauty of nature during a walk.

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7. Unplugging the Power of Technology

We live in a digital age where screens surround us. While our devices provide immense benefits, excessive screen time can negatively impact our mental well-being.

Using tech tools and apps for mental health

Consider taking regular digital detoxes, turning off notifications, or setting boundaries for technology use. Instead, immerse yourself in offline activities like spending time in nature, practicing a hobby, or simply enjoying a good book. Your mind will thank you for the much-needed break.

8. Eating Nutrient-Rich Foods

Right from elementary school, we have learned about the importance of a well-balanced diet. The only setback is that there was no emphasis on mental health at that time. However, a balanced diet is not only good for our physical body but our well-being.

Balanced diet and healthy food

One of the self-care methods to promote good mental health is to eat food rich in protein, healthy lipids, vitamins, and minerals. Most of these classes of food are found in fresh green vegetables, fruits, nuts, and fish. These foods are rich in excellent nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, multivitamins, and vital minerals that are known to boost our overall health. Remember, nourishing your body is a direct route to a happier mind.

8. Engaging in Relaxation Techniques

We all experience moments of stress and tension which can lead to anxiety, a mental health symptom. That's where relaxation techniques step in to save the day! Therefore, it is important to try relaxation techniques and learn to find time to rest to boost your mental health.

Some recommended relaxation techniques by most sources include breathing exercises (deep breathing and exhalation when feeling overwhelmed) and staying calm while sitting with face downward.

Aromatherapy is also speculated to help mental health recovery and boost relaxation. Aromatherapy is the smell of sweet fragrances from natural sources like flowers or artificial perfumes to boost mood.

Whichever works for you requires that you try them out and apply the best method of relaxation for yourself.

10. Seeking Professional Help When Needed

Mental health coach

Seek advice from a mental health professional or a doctor when you observe signs of mental health failure.

The recognized signs that indicate that you need professional intervention include persistent feelings of sadness, anxiety, or difficulty carrying out daily tasks.

We have numerous resources to help you know if you have mental health challenge. You can contact us for a copy or read our articles on early signs of mental depression.


Do not take anything that affects your mental health lightly because what affects your mind affects your entire body. In addition, follow the advice we offer through this article to promote a healthy mind through self-care. Where it seems like you can no more bear it, do not harm yourself, instead contact a professional. We have a team that can help you, so feel free to contact our mental health desk.
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