Understanding the 30 Universal Laws to Transform Your Life | Mind Power
What You Need to Know About the Universal Laws
Our world is not a chaotic place. Even the vast universe and everything in it operates according to certain natural principles which are universal to everything in the universe, even beyond the edge of time.
While we engage in our daily activities, we are consciously or unconsciously guided by laws which are beyond our control. These set of laws or principles of everything are known as universal laws.
Natural laws such as the laws of physics and other physical sciences are applied to matter and physical phenomena. In contrast, there are laws that guide the unseen realm of existence such as the spiritual, our thoughts, our soul and our very being. Some of these laws offers us rewards in accordance with what we do, say or think.
Consider the laws of physical sciences, like Newton's law of Universal Gravitation. It is there and once an object of mass (matter) is under a gravitational influence (gravitational field), it is bound to experience gravity. Similarly, when we mold certain thoughts, say certain words or do certain things, we are also bound to experience the universal laws that guide such thoughts, words or actions.
Note: For avoidance of doubt,
Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation states that "every object in the universe attracts every other object with a force which is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of their distance from each other."
How Many Universe Laws are Out there?
Well, there are so many universal laws out there. Meanwhile, a lot of people are only used to a few of these laws like the law of attraction, while others assume that the universal laws can all be categorized in 12 groups. This article, however, will explore more of the universal laws, some of which you have not heard of and offer you guidance that can help you transform your life through these laws of the universe.
The essence of knowing some of these laws is that they will help to mold your mind, belief and understanding of the world around you. In addition, some of these universal laws are transformational and will help to mold your mindset, rekindle your mind power and make you have an in-depth understanding of yourself, the world and people around you.
The good news is that these universal laws are applicable to all people irrespective of their ideological differences. You may not need to agree with some of these mind-transforming laws, but they surely may influence you directly or indirectly.
Below are the Universal Laws that Can Transform Your Life.
1. The Law of Gender
The law of gender states that everything in the universe including people, plants, animals and objects, has both masculine and feminine qualities as they require a balance of energy to manifest.This law attributes qualities like power, action, strength, glory and pride to masculinity while the feminine qualities are associated with love, mercy, affection, intuition, nurturing and compassion.
It adds that both masculine and feminine qualities are always in balance and that when one is out of balance, there is bound to be a problem in society. This implies that if an individual is too feminine (or too much of a female), he/she can be too dull, indecisive or passive while a person who is too masculine ( or too much of a male) can be cruel, aggressive, controlling or psychopathic.
The law of gender assumes that the best way a good life is to balance up both masculine and feminine qualities by investing in strength while also being compassionate at same time.
In one of its claims, the law of gender adds that both masculine and feminine qualities balance our society and make it what it is and that any outrageous rise in one of those qualities over the other will pose a serious threat to the society.
Note: The law of gender does not refer to sexual gender but ethical qualities that are considered to be typically masculine or feminine.
2. The law of Action
The law of action states that action leads to aligned manifestation or that manifestation requires aligned action. This implies that we must take action in order to manifest our desires. Therefore, one cannot just sit back and wait for things to happen, but things happen when one take steps toward set goals.
This law is similar with the popular statement “Energy flows where the attention goes". The explanation of this powerful spiritual law of the mind is that when we take action, we are sending out a powerful signal to the universe that we are ready to receive our heart desire, not just by speaking it.
The law of action has been one of the most popular laws in this list. So many people use the law in their motivational posts and statement without knowing that it is actually one of the universal laws.
Action in this case does not mean taking more than one can swallow but one step of action at a time is enough to make thing happen. However, more action means a higher possibility of accomplishment. Such action requires setting clear goals and working toward it.
3. The law of correspondence
The law of correspondence simply states that "As above, so below."
The expansive form of this law states that,
"The outer world reflects our inner world, and we can change our outer world by changing our inner world."
In other words, the change you want to implement should begin from within yourself. When you change yourself, it will be much easier to change others.
4. The Law of Cause and Effect
Every action has a reaction, and our thoughts and actions create our reality. Alternatively, this law postulates that every action has a consequence. Doing good, offers good results while evil earns bad outcome.
It mimics Newton's first law of motion which states that "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction," but connotes a different meaning.
5. The Law of Divine Timing
This law states that everything happens in divine timing, and we can trust that the universe has our best interests at heart to grant us everything on time. This sounds like the universe understands time management very well.
This is also as stated in the Book of Ecclesiastes Chapter 3,
"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build..."
6. The law of attraction
The Law of Attraction states that we attract into our lives what we focus on, both positive and negative.
The simplest form of this law states that "What is like unto itself is drawn." It is often paraphrased as "like minds attracts" or "birds of same feather flock together".
7. Law of Vibration:
The spiritual law of vibration states that everything in the universe is in a constant state of vibration and that this vibration occurs in different frequencies. This means that everything, from atoms to animate things, even thoughts, has a specific frequency.The higher the frequency, the more positive and powerful the energy. The lower the frequency, the more negative and destructive the energy.
"Everything has a unique vibrational frequency."
The law of vibration adds that although we are connected to one another, we only attract people and experiences that are on same frequencies as we are.
According to the law, we can raise our vibration to a higher frequency by focusing on positive emotions, actions, thoughts, characters or engaging in activities like prayer, meditation, affirmations and visualization.
These acts of raising the soul vibration at a certain frequency makes us more aligned with the universe which in turn raises our potential and ability to resist negative forces like negative thoughts, experience and temptations.
8. The Law of Growth
The Law of Growth states that growth is a continuous process and an endless journey. The law also proves the fact that Growth is a process of continual improvement and development.Growth is not something that happens overnight, but rather something that takes time, effort, and dedication for one to accomplish.
In summary of this claim, factors that contribute to growth include:
In summary of this claim, factors that contribute to growth include:
Intentionality - which include decision making and planning.
Awareness - which is knowing your current situation and that you need to grow.
Challenge - one can only grow when there is a challenge that requires such growth to occur.
Feedback - knowing where you need to improve which offers motivation for the growth process to begin.
Persistence - growth requires continuation, effort, time and diligence.
The law of growth is very important for one to accomplish life objectives and experience a turnaround in life.
9. The Law of Intention
"When we set an intention, we are aligning ourselves with the universe and making our dreams a reality."
This law supports the idea that our thoughts influence our reality. It purports that our intentions mold our action and mindset thereby leading us to success. A good intention is synonymous with good motives which in turn promote virtues.
10. The Law of Divine Oneness
The law of Divine Oneness states that everything in the universe is connected, and we are all part of a greater whole. It sees the universe as a complex system in which we are just a quantum of that multiplex.
This law is also known as The Law of One and can also be stated "We are all part of a single consciousness, and we are all connected to each other."
The law of Divine Ones emphasizes that we are to treat others as if they are part of us and that we are spiritually connected.
11. The Law of Gratitude
Gratitude opens the door to more abundance in our lives. It promotes the need for us to appreciate what we have even while hoping for more. This is because gratitude brings joy, happiness and positive energy that can lead to a positive mind transformation.
Gratitude is one of the keys to a lasting happiness in life.
12. The law of Rhythm
You might have heard the popular clause, "Nothing is permanent". That is where the law of Rhythm bases its point.
The Law of Rhythm states that everything in the universe moves in cycles, and we can learn to work with the flow of energy to create our desired results.
13. The Law of Faith
Faith is the belief that something is possible, even when it doesn't seem likely. All religious organizations base their beliefs on this law.
The idea of God, spirits and what have you are based on the law of faith. In Christianity for instance, Faith is the ultimate word after the words "God" and "Jesus Christ".
14. The Law of Karma
The law of Karma states that we are all connected, and our actions have consequences for ourselves and others. It is often paraphrased as "What goes around comes around".
Unlike Christianity that talks more of faith, some religions like Buddhism base their beliefs also deeply in the law of Karma. This law for such religions is often linked with the concept of reincarnation which they believe that human soul reborn to bear the consequences of what an individual did in the previous life.
In simple sentence, the law of Karma says what you do to others is what will be done to you, and that no action goes without feedback.
15. The Law of Divinity
It states, "We are all divine beings, and we have the power to create our own reality."
The law of divinity is the bedrock of spiritualism and most religions. It is deeply embedded in divinity and ritualism. It clears the fact that even when we are humans, we are connected to the divine nature that is beyond our realm making us an aspect of the intertwined universal complex.
16. The Law of Divine Relativity
The law of divine relativity is a spiritual law that states that everything is relative, including our thoughts, actions, and experiences. This means that there is no one right or wrong way to do things, and that our perspective on a situation can greatly affect how we experience it.
The law tries to form the idea that we are related to each other, hence, we are not supposed to hurt others. It teaches that we should be compassionate and considerate irrespective of other's viewpoints. The idea is that people are only holding a different view because they see the world through a different perspective.
The law of divine relativity also support that one needs to adjust one’s thought to the positive and see the good aspect of life while ignoring the bad ones as failure to do this may bring negative energy as our belief and thoughts relates us to what they correspond to either good or evil.
The law tries to form the idea that we are related to each other, hence, we are not supposed to hurt others. It teaches that we should be compassionate and considerate irrespective of other's viewpoints. The idea is that people are only holding a different view because they see the world through a different perspective.
The law of divine relativity also support that one needs to adjust one’s thought to the positive and see the good aspect of life while ignoring the bad ones as failure to do this may bring negative energy as our belief and thoughts relates us to what they correspond to either good or evil.
17. Law of Compensation
We are rewarded for our efforts, and we receive what we deserve. This law, however, focuses more on the fact that compensation only emanate from the right doings. Its weakness is that it ignores the concept of grace and equity.
18. The Law of Polarity
The law of polarity claims that there are two sides to everything. It states, "Everything in the universe has two opposites, and we can choose to focus on the positive or the negative."
This law has been argued upon critics because it fails to acknowledge the concept of neutrality, when there is neither positive nor negative. But supporters of the idea believe that being neutral is not ideally possible, so one can only be good or evil.
Many have mistaken the law of Gender for the Law of Polarity, but the difference is that the law of gender focuses on an entity balancing up a dual quality of femininity and masculinity, while the law of polarity is about taking a side of either good or evil, white or black as different ends of existence.
19. The Law of Forgiveness
The law of forgiveness is a spiritual law that states that when we forgive others, we free ourselves from the negative energy that they have created around us. It offers tips on how we can easily forgive others by telling us what we stand to gain.
The law shares the opinion that when someone hurts you, they bring a negative energy into your life as you get offended by their negative action. Therefore, failing to forgive them keeps that energy alive and hinders your spiritual growth.
Forgiveness in this case is not about condoning or tolerating the actions or ill-manners of the other person, but it is about releasing the anger, resentment, and bitterness that you hold against the other.
The benefit of forgiving is enormous as it helps improve one’s mood, reduce stress, prevent hatred and bitterness, boost self-esteem and promote your relationship with others. Forgiveness is also the bedrock of a successful marriage and a happy marriage.
20. The Law of Assumption
It states that when we assume that something is true, it becomes our reality. This law adds to the power of belief and spoken words. This is the foundation of faith and powerful affirmations.
21. The Law of Manifestation
It states that through the power of our thoughts, words, and actions, we can create anything we desire in our lives.
The law of manifestation supports the law of assumption and the law of faith. It also promotes the power of the mind and the fact that our thoughts influence what manifests in our lives.
22. The Law of Non-Judgment
The law of judgment states that when we judge others, we create separation and block our own happiness. This is because by judging others, we are making ourselves connected to their thoughts and actions which in turn can lead to resentment and anger.
The Law of Non-judgement is on the view that we are on different paths, hence, we cannot tell what others go through in their own journey of life because their experiences cannot be the same with ours. This mean that we should not judge people based on our own experiences as we are all different, view life differently and walk through different paths.
23. The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy
Energy can never be created or destroyed; it can only be transformed. Some put it,
"Energy is always moving and always changing."
This law is similar to the law of conservation of energy which states that "Energy can neither be created nor destroyed but can only change from one form to another." The difference between the two is that while the later focuses on physical energy concept like entropy change, the former is more about higher vibrational energy.
24. The Law of Grace
The law of grace is one of the most amazing laws of spiritualism and one of the most unique among the universal laws. This is because it passes a message of love peace, hope, forgiveness and freedom.
In the secular world, the Law of Grace is quoted as,
In the secular world, the Law of Grace is quoted as,
“We are all supported by the universe, and we can receive guidance and support whenever we need it.”
However, the law is much popular in Christianity which it supposedly originated. In this religious perspective, the law of Grace states that
“We are saved by God's grace, not by our own works.”
This means that we cannot earn salvation by doing good things. Instead, salvation is a gift from God, freely given to us through faith in Jesus Christ. This law is a central theme in the New Testament. In his letter to the Ephesians, Paul writes:
“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast.” (Ephesians 2:8-9)
The law of grace is a powerful reminder that we are loved by God unconditionally. We do not need to earn His love or His forgiveness. He loves us simply because He is Love. The law of grace frees us from the burden of fighting for a state of absolute perfection which we can never attain and from the guilt of shame and eternal damnation.
Grace in this perspective is seen as God’s way of expressing His love to us as His creation.
25. The Law of Free Will
This law states that we have the free will to choose our words, thoughts, lifestyles, beliefs and actions, and that we are responsible for the consequences of the choices we make through this free will.
The law of free will is also expounding on the fact that there are consequences to every action one takes and choices one make. So, if you choose evil, it is your choice, but the consequence thereof cannot be evaded but in accordance with your choice. The consequential belief in this law is not as exaggerated as in the Law of Karma.
26. The Law of Growth and Evolution
The law of growth and evolution states that all things are constantly growing and evolving, and that this growth is not random, but a process governed by the laws of nature. Put it:
"We are constantly growing and evolving, and we are always moving towards a higher level of consciousness."
This law applies to both physical and spiritual things. In the physical realm, this law manifests in the growth of plants from seed to mature plants, and animals from babies to adults. In its spiritual application, the law of growth and evolution states that our souls are constantly growing and evolving as we learn and experience new things.
In other words, if we want to grow and evolve spiritually, you need to be willing to step outside of our comfort zones and learn new things. You also need to be willing to face challenges and setbacks. When you do these things, you are opening yourself up to the possibility of growth and transformation.
The law of growth and evolution is a powerful law that can help us to live more fulfilling lives. When we understand this law, we can see that there is always potential for growth and change. We can also see that we are not alone in this journey; everyone is growing and evolving, at their own pace.
Note: The law of growth and evolution is an aspect of the Law of Growth, the only difference is that this law applies also to the biological growth and evolutional trend.
In other words, if we want to grow and evolve spiritually, you need to be willing to step outside of our comfort zones and learn new things. You also need to be willing to face challenges and setbacks. When you do these things, you are opening yourself up to the possibility of growth and transformation.
The law of growth and evolution is a powerful law that can help us to live more fulfilling lives. When we understand this law, we can see that there is always potential for growth and change. We can also see that we are not alone in this journey; everyone is growing and evolving, at their own pace.
Note: The law of growth and evolution is an aspect of the Law of Growth, the only difference is that this law applies also to the biological growth and evolutional trend.
27. The Law of Love
The law of Love also known as the Law of Unconditional Love is a universal principle that states that all people should be treated with love, care and respect, regardless of their language, race, belief, religion, sexual orientation, or any other personal characteristic. This law is based on the belief that all people are created equal and deserve to be treated with love, respect, dignity and compassion.
The law of love is often cited in religious texts. In the Bible, Jesus teaches his followers to "love your neighbor as yourself" (Matthew 22:39).
Jesus even went further to say,
“Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you”.
This means that you have to love people even when they are against you or even wish you death. This law had also been a central point in some philosophical arguments. This law aims to create a society where there is love, peace, understanding and forgiveness.
In the Christian doctrine, it is the unconditional love of God that made him send his Son, Jesus Christ to die on behalf of the sins of mankind so that we may have access to God’s heavenly inheritance through His Grace emanating from that Love.
In the Christian doctrine, it is the unconditional love of God that made him send his Son, Jesus Christ to die on behalf of the sins of mankind so that we may have access to God’s heavenly inheritance through His Grace emanating from that Love.
28. The Law of Peace
The law of peace states that all people should try to live in peace and harmony with one another at all times.
The Law of Peace points out that peace is ultimate for everyone and that this can be possible through cooperation, understanding, and respect for one another irrespective of the social, political or racial differences.
29. The Law of Order
The law of universal order states that everything in the universe is the way it should be and orderly placed by nature to be that way.
This law supports the idea that everything that is happening in live was meant to be and it all works for universal advantage. So, the universe as we stated in the verse paragraph of this article is not a chaotic scene but an orderly place. It teaches that whatever one faces in life was meant to be.
30. The Law of Prosperity
The law of prosperity is somehow similar to the law of charity, and it states that the giving makes you prosperous or the more you give, the more you get. So many people have practiced this law and it works for them. However, even though it is not absolute, the law encourages us to help others through giving as such action attracts blessing and prosperity.
The above universal laws have the capacity to change your life and transform your life by letting you know how to treat others and control your thoughts. You just need to apply those that you think are worth trusting and ignore those that do not apply to your beliefs or values.