13 Tips to Boost Good Communication in Relationships and Strengthen Bonds Between Partners

Partners hugging themselves while communicating

Communication is one of the most important aspects of any relationship. This is because relationship is about bond and connectivity between two or more individuals. It is through good and effective communication that the relationship goals can be met which is to connect, understand each other and get intimate. It is through a good communication that partners can boost a healthy and successful relationship.

On the other hand, poor communication habit is as destructive to a relationship. Therefore, it matters to know how to communicate well with your partner, spouse or friends.

Why Communication is important in Relationship:
  • Intimate communication strengthens bonds between partners.
  • Good communication is the pathway to mutual understanding in relationships.
  • Communication boosts compatibility because it helps two people to get acquainted with each other.
  • A sincere and honest communication is the root of trust in relationships.
  • Communication offers healing in relationship through emotional support.

Below are Good Communication Tips to Boost Your Relationship

Tips to improve communication in relationship

1. Enforce Quality Conversations:

While communication is vital in building and strengthening relationships, only a quality communication can meet the desired objectives.

By quality conversations we mean exchange of positive messages that make both of you feel like hearing more from each other.

While expressing grievances might be important, only positive exchange of information motivates two people to want to hear from each other again thereby boosting a healthy relationship.

2. Communicate regularly:

The more you hear from someone, the more you are likely to feel more connected to that person and willing to hear more. Regular communication strengthens bonds in relationships and create a sense of availability even when the individual is absent or at distance.

It is vital to create time to communicate with your spouse, friends and family. This will help improve the relationship and make you feel more intimate.

Regular communication is also the key to your partner's memory beside the good times you have together.

3. Make your communication timely:

Regularly communication as stated above does not mean communicating all the time or 24/7. It means setting regular time to hear from each other. Relationships should not feel like a bondage or a tedious task. People have personal life, of course, there is more in their lives beside you.

While in relationship, try to know when your partner is supposed to be at work, school or busy at certain activities. This might sound hard, but you can ask someone you care about when he/she thinks is best to talk.

Most people would not like to see a call at midnight or when they are engaging in religious activities. Therefore, knowing the right time to pass a message is important. Both of you can create a communication schedule as a time management approach.

The right time can also be defined by mood. Do not send vital messages at the wrong moment. If the message is a request, make it when one is in the mood to offer such request.

Communicating at the wrong time can turn that conversation into a disturbance.

4. Pass only a clear and understandable Message:

Most relationships have ended because unclear messages. Some statements can be vague and ambiguous to the point of placing a relationship in danger of collapse.

Unclear statement can lead to misunderstanding which in turn destroys relationships.

Where your friend or partner does not understand what you just said, spend time to offer explanation by so doing, you are strengthening the relationship and creating stronger bond between you.

It is vital for your partner to understand your language and vice versa, whether language is embedded in word, sign or your behaviors. It is through this understanding that one would be able to know when to keep on or withdraw from an act or discussion. It is also through a clear communication that one can respond feelings accordingly.

No two people can coexist for a long time if they do not understand themselves.

5. Handle sensitive conversation with care:

A man speaking into the ears of his partner

One of the key elements of a successful relationship is sensibility.

One needs to be emotionally and mentally alert while in relationship especially during communication. This will help you to know when to continue the talks, when to take a break and what you should talk about.

Sensitive subjects relating to your partner’s beliefs and values need to be deliberated with care for things to go on smoothly.

6. Create fun amidst conversations:

Adding funny clauses and jokes amidst conversations lessen tensions and make the conversation more friendly. This will promote the need to keep hearing from each other and strengthen the relationship bond.

When communication is not flexible enough to permit play, joke and fun in-between, it might end up being boring or disconnecting individuals in relationship.

7. Treat every topic according to the purpose and expectations:

When someone make a request or introduce a conversation, he/she already has expectations. Even behaviors in relationships come with expectations. In this case, it helps to handle communication in accordance with the primary objectives.

Let romantic conversation retain romantic tone and incite romantic spirit. As well, offer serious attention to your partner when he/she introduces a subject that needs your attention and sense of concern.

If you communicate a joke when someone needs your advice or words of encouragement, they might misinterpret it as an insensitive behavior or a sign of carelessness.

8. Let your communication align with Your Partner's personality or relationship status:

The best way to be nice to people is to treat them in respect to who they are, their beliefs, values and the level of intimacy. While relating with someone, knowing the communication boundary is crucial. For instance, treat a friend as a friend, a relative as a relative and a romantic partner as a partner.

Bringing in a topic someone never expect in that kind of relationship can be weird and may destroy trust.

That friend may not be interested in anything more than friendship, so maintain your lain in that conversation to avoid embarrassment and/or disconnection.

Meanwhile, you can ask them about what they want or expect from you in return for the time and attention they offer you. With this, you will know the manners through which you can properly relate with them and boost the relationship more as you continue to communicate.

9. Know your boundary and maintain it:

This is the mother of what we have talked about in the previous paragraphs. Keep boundary at where it is for communication to flow and for that relationship to succeed. 

When you keep trespassing boundaries during communication, the whole relationship might wax cold.

Knowing your boundary is one of the main keys in maintaining good communication that boosts healthy relationships.

10. Be open but sensitive:

Being open means that you must be sincere and straight forward while communicating with your partner. It helps to make one’s intention known to avoid subjects of ambiguity as the relationship progresses.

When there is no clarity, there might arise trust deficiency or confusion which may in turn release its stings on individuals involved in that relationship.

Don't expect that someone will always understand how you feel by nearly looking at you or through your body language. Not everyone is sensitive enough to get that right. Your partner is not a magician, so say it out, how you feel, how you want it and what you think it should be.

11. Be responsive and active during conversation:

Nothing kills relationship than a one-way communication.

When only one partner is always the one to call, text, share, chat and introduce a topic, it is hard for such relationship to last. This is because the leading partner might begin to withdraw thereby reducing the communication tempo and subsequently killing the relationship and weakening the bond.

Respond to messages, call back, show your concern and reciprocate the care time and love that you receive from your spouse or partner.

12. Bear respect in mind:

Irrespective of your feelings, respect your partner's feelings, beliefs and personality while expressing yourself. Everyone deserves respect even when they may not ask for it. There are respectful to say it oneself even during conflict.

Always being insulting and boundless in talking can destroy your relationship or affect the good communication you would have had with your partner.

Respect your partner during communication as a way to boost relationship bond

13. Neutralize your perspective:

It will not help matters if one person in relationship always think he/she is right. Let there be chance for your viewpoints to balance up. This is the best way means for settling arguments and resolving conflicts.

By offering your partner a chance to air his/her views and accepting their perspectives, you are not only enhancing more communication but helping the relationship to grow.

In conclusion, communication is important in relationship but only a good communication boosts it. Bad communication does more harm than good in any relationship, that is why it is important for you to abide by the communication tips provided in this article to make your relationship an amazing and healthy one.

Read our previous article on the laws of effective communication for more tips on this subject.

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