10 Best Gifts for an Average Nigerian Man on His Birthday or Valentine

Best gifts for a Nigerian man

People around the world believe that Valentine is a time of love and exchange of gifts with their loved ones. Besides Valentine period, birthdays and Christmas are also great times to give someone a surprise gift. 

While there are no rules as to what kind of gift you can offer to someone you love, some gifts matter to a certain set of people over others. But the easiest people you can offer your surprise gift this Valentine season are Nigerian men.

Nigerian men are some of the most cherished and sought-after men in the world. It seems they carry a natural love portion or maybe the aura that every woman cherishes. The reason ladies across Africa and around the world like them that much is because Nigerian men understand the value of a woman in their lives. They don't joke with their wives or lovers, especially if they love you.

An average Nigerian man does not expect much from a woman. All he needs is for you to let him be a man. For this reason, they can pour all their loves on you and offer you the best treatment you would never imagine.

In most Nigerian traditions, women are always at the receiving ends while men's responsibilities include absolute provision. This is where your luck comes into play if you are dating or married to a Nigerian man.

Saying that you are lucky if a Nigerian man is your love or husband is an understatement. Besides the fact that he will surely shower you with a lot of gifts, an average Nigerian man has not gotten any surprise gift from a woman for his entire life. Most Nigerian women do not understand how to give to their men, therefore if you have just dated a Nigerian man, giving him something might make him think you are the best. This implies that they do not demand much, instead, they just cherish the little you give from your heart.

You only need to know that most Nigerian men do not understand the use of flower or greeting card. Not that they would not appreciate it, but it is of no value for them.

"Flower no help anybody."


Gift ideas for Nigerian boyfriend

While writing this article, we created a questionnaire asking different Nigerian men what they think about receiving gifts from their women, here are some of the feedbacks we received:

First respondent:

"I don't think there is much that I need now as a gift from a woman. I think I have everything that is necessary, but if my babe is wise enough to give me anything this period or on my birthday, it will mean so much to me. It is not the gift that matter to me, but the fact that she had such a unique thought of getting me something special."

Second notable respondent:

"I've never received gift from my woman before. Sometimes I wish she would ever be wise enough to get me just handkerchief as a birthday, Christmas or Valentine gift, but it seems it wouldn't happen."

Third respondent: 

"I've never received any gift from a woman before except my mum and sisters. I don't think I expect one now."

Fourth respondent:

"My lady buys me boxers and singlets and that mean so much to me. That is one of the reasons I'm planning to marry her."

The above are just some of the feedbacks we had. Most of their replies contribute to the items we list here as things to get as surprise gifts to a Nigerian man.

Best gifts you can offer to a Nigerian man:

You might have wondered how best you can surprise your Nigeria boyfriend this period, these are some of the best gifts an average Nigerian man will never take for granted.

1. Wireless earpiece: 

Earpiece as a gift for a Nigerian boyfriend

Earpiece is more than just a piece of item for listening to music. It can sometimes be used just for "swags" and Nigerian men are good at that. Getting him a good earpiece or simple electronic devices like ear pods or mp3 player on his birthday or Valentine is enough to win his heart. Earpiece is a great gift for a Nigerian boyfriend but may not be suitable for couples.

2. Undies such as boxers and white singlets:

Boxers and under wear may appear very tangible but offering them to an average Nigerian man will make him appreciate you so much. Changing underwear regularly is a norm in Nigeria. Therefore, even if your Nigerian man has hundreds of undies, the one you give him as his woman will mean much more to him.

Note: Gifts like underwear are best for those you have infinite relationship with.

3. Power bank:

Power bank as special gift for a Nigerian man

Power is a big problem in Nigeria. The company responsible for electricity distribution in the country is a big mess and highly corrupt. An average Nigerian home hardly have constant light, hence, their phones, computers and accessories are likely to get out of power most times. Therefore, if your Nigerian boyfriend or husband is based in Nigeria, giving him a good power bank as a gift would mean a world to him.

4. T-shirt or polo and jeans:

You don't need to a buy a shirt if you can't afford one. Buying a nice T-shirt or portable top like polo will be highly appreciated by your Nigerian man one his birthday or this Valentine. Nigerian guys have 21st century lifestyle and dressing smart is a Nigerian identity. An average Nigerian man believes in dressing smart over dressing cooperate.

A T-shirt gift

In addition, for some reasons it seems a typical Nigerian young man would appreciate jeans as a gift over pants or other trousers. This might be different for older men.

5. Shoes and belts:

Secretly find the size of his shows and surprise him with one and observe his response. Nigerian men take shoes as important as they take clothes. Giving a Nigerian man quality shoe or belt is comparable to nothing else.

In addition, it is good to note that simple footwear like slippers and palms can also make your Nigerian man very happy. The best thing to do is to secretly find out what he lacks.

6. Wrist watch:

The relationship we have with phone has become so much that most people don't even need clock in their houses again.

Wrist watch: Special for a Nigerian husband

It might be rare to find a Nigerian man with wristwatch but not that they do not like it. Most times, they might wear hand bands. Even so, giving a Nigerian man wrist watch is not a bad idea. He will appreciate it so much. This is a great gift idea for your Nigerian husband.

7. Furniture or household items:

Nigerian men feel very proud when their rooms are well-decorated and serene. Visit his home and find out anything that is lacking. Then think about any form of furnishing item that you know he might like and bring it to him as a gift and see how he reacts.

If you are already married to a Nigerian man or living together, buying him furniture may not mean much after all the room is shared, instead get him a personal item.

8. A branded hanging bag:

Get a good bag that is standard enough for a man to use. Laptop bag is a good example of such bags, or just a side bag. An average Nigerian man would need a bag at least once in a while, especially if he is a working class.

9. Take him out:

95% of Nigerian men have never heard the word "Let me take you out for shopping today" from a woman, except those who have dated women outside the country. An average Nigerian man will be so surprised if you ever make an attempt to take him out for shopping. Doing so will be like offering him the ultimate gift of his life.

9. Laptop computer:

Laptop as a premium gift for Nigerian man

If you can afford it, get this item for your Nigerian boyfriend or husband. The feeling a Nigerian man has if you give him a laptop computer is same as giving him a car. Even if he has one already, this gift is a premium gift category for the high class ladies.

10. Perfume and roll-on:

One good thing about perfume is that the fragrance they bring can bring certain feelings. Perfume or roll-on is a wonderful gift for a Nigerian man. But ensure that you get a good quality perfume that has masculine aroma. No man wants to smell like banana, instead go for lowly smelling perfumes with mature designs. Packaging your perfume with a few other items as gift will make more sense.

Perfume is a great gift for a Nigerian man

Bonus point: The greatest gift you can give to a Nigerian man is respect, that is their main food. No matter what you offer to him, if you constantly disrespect him, a typical Nigerian will not take you serious.


You see, Nigerian men are the easiest set of people to offer a surprise valentine or birthday gift. Sincerely, an average Nigerian man be it a husband, relative or boyfriend and does not expect your gift. They were brought up in a society where men are not appreciated enough, so giving him anything on his birthday or Valentine period can make him love and respect you beyond his limits. The fact here is not that you can lure a Nigerian man with gift, but they are highly appreciative irrespective of what you give to them.

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