Why You Shouldn't Look Down on Yourself | Inspiration

Every human has specific dignity and personality that exist independent of their cultural, social and economic acquisitions. We often define and treat people with political, tribal, religious or financial biases, because we don't understand the very value that every human bears. If you ever sit down and reconsider each and everyone around you from a logical perspective, you would realize that there is something much more in us than what we grow up to accomplish or inherit.

I am me, before I am every other thing that  I am. A Quote by Abas Obot

When you get close to people from different backgrounds, it gets to a point that you don't even remember that these are people who speak different languages, have different belief systems and other factors we often use to distinguish ourselves. This is because it is the "Being human factor" that matters most, I mean, the very human essence is the greatest value in life..

I say this because it saddens me when I come across people who think they are unworthy, substandard or incapable just because they think that they are poor or uneducated. See, there is no one without dignity, every other thing, say money or achievements only adds to who you are. In fact, go to some villages, you realize that the key decision-makers are elders and ordinary people whose roles are not defined by wealth and educational achievements.

"I am me, before I am every other thing that I am." - Abas Obot

#highlights #wordsofwisdom #wordsofencouragement #wordoftheday
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