Filtering Rays of the Sunshine

Filtering Rays of the Sunshine Poem by Abas Obot

Filtering Rays of the Sunshine Poem by Abas Obot

Filtering rays of the sunshine,
Brighten Up My Day,
My heart swells with hope and pride,
Keen for the glories coming my way,

I have never wished myself a delay,
But days so smooth and  gay,
Shine! Oh shine, even beyond my days,
That in the night I may still see thy rays,

My head was not cursed not to wear a crown,
Neither was my being to always be on the ground;
I've never sworn not to see a rainbow,
Neither was I created to always lay below,


Oh, you stormy clouds leave my way,
That I may have good things to say,
Leave oh you pains of hell,
Let me prepare a story to tell,

I don't pray for desert warmth,
Because there are lots of pains therein,
I ain't interested in thunderstorms,
Even though it comes with lightning,

But I pray for a glorious morrow,
With bright light to cast away every shadow.
Shine glorious light from heaven,
And take away my burden,

What if I wear glorious linen,
My soul, would you fade away?
What if I get a golden diadem,
My being would you disappear?

Filtering Rays of the Sunshine by Inspired Scoop
Photo Credit: J. Karges via

Arise oh my soul,
And lead this lifeboat,
Row! Row!! Row!!! and Row!!
Don't be discouraged by rain or snow,

Be strong this feeble body,
I say "Don't be silly",
Rise to your feet,
Think about how to be free,

Oh precious self, don't be addicted to failure,
If you can't do it alone, pray for divine favor,
It costs little sweat to  wealth,
But costs generations if you remain wretched,

No one ever ran away from a fight,
And declare himself a winner,
Not everyone who undertakes,
Run to the end of the prize,

If it takes pain to win,
Pierce yourself with pins,
If it  costs your eyes to fly,
Give no one a dime,

If it means you have to cry,
Cry at once and laugh at last,
If it seems you cannot fly,
Don't delay just run as fast.


It's not yet evening time,
Sun, do not go to the West,
Even though you've been bribed,
I charge you not to set,

If you're at the skies end,
It should be the Eastern gate,
Draw near, all ye light sets,
Bring forth thy luciferase,

Join me ye moon and stars,
If the sun refuses to shine,
Bring out all thy lights,
I'm tired of seeing ye afar,

Heavenly light send forth thy rays,
Command all lights here to stay,
And Brighten Up My Day,
That my eyes may always see the way.

About Filtering Rays of the Sunshine Poem

Written: 2021
Poet: Abas Obot
Genre: Free Verse Quatrain (Ode)

Filtering rays of the sunshine is a Psalming meditational poem written as a free verse quatrain. An Ode with the intent to ignite a soulful outburst that inspires the reader into a pious mode.

This poem is a beautiful ode to the 'figurative' Sun and its life-giving rays. It is a reminder of the power of light (divine direction) to bring hope and joy to our lives, as well as its ability to bring clarity and direction to our lives. The speaker begs the 'Sun' to stay in the sky, and asks the stars and moon (alternative sources of light or direction) to lend their light if the sun refuses.

The imagery of the poem brings to life the beauty of nature's light and the power of it to bring hope and joy in the darkest of times. The poem is a reminder to stay strong and never give up in the face of adversity, and that with the right attitude and mindset, anything is possible. It also speaks of the importance of looking ahead to a better tomorrow and of believing in yourself.
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